β Download Ratham (2018) full movie in HD quality with original audio. Available in 480p, 720p, and 1080p in MKV format, this Comedy / Drama / Romance based south indian movie comes with Telugu original audio along with subtitles. Vegamovies offers a quick and secure way to download Bollywoood and Hollywood movies using direct G-Drive links. Click the download button and follow the instructions to start your download.
=== Movie/Series Info ===
Year: | 2018 |
Rating: | 6.2 |
Genres: | Comedy / Drama / Romance |
Original Language: | Telugu |
Quality: | WEB-DL |
Resolution: | 480p, 720p, 1080p |
Runtime: | 132 min |
Release Date: | 26 Oct 2018 (India) |
Country: | India |
Movie Synopsis/Plot:
A father who treats his daughter and wife unjustly neglecting them by getting involved in issues which do not concern him. After a due course of time he lands up in jail and stays away from his family and native place for a very long time. He will come to know that his daughter is in love with a personality similar to his when he is out of the jail.
=== ScreenShots (Most See Before Downloading) ===

=== Download Links ===
Ratham (2018) [Hindi ORG. + Telugu] 480p [450MB]
Direct-[Drive-link]Β G-Drive [No-Login]
Ratham (2018) [Hindi ORG. + Telugu] 720p [1.2GB]
Direct-[Drive-link]Β G-Drive [No-Login]
Ratham (2018) [Hindi ORG. + Telugu] 1080p [2.7GB]