βœ” Download Personal Shopper (2016) full movie in HD quality with original audio. Available in 480p, 720p, and 1080p in MKV format, this Drama / Mystery / Thriller based Hollywood movie comes with English / French / Swedish / German original audio along with subtitles.

=== Movie/Series Info ===

Genres:Drama / Mystery / Thriller
Original Language:English / French / Swedish / German
Resolution:480p, 720p, 1080p
Runtime:105 min
Release Date:10 Mar 2017 (USA)
Country:France / Germany / Czechia / Belgium

Movie Synopsis/Plot:

It’s already been three months since the sudden death of her 27-year-old twin brother Lewis from a congenital malformation of the heart, and Maureen, a young fashionista, assistant to a celebrity woman and a capable medium, still hasn’t made any contact with him. Spending her time between high profile fashion establishments and the abandoned Lewis’ house in Paris, Maureen is silently battling with the gut-wrenching grief and sorrow, while at the same time, looking for a sign from her deceased brother after an oath taken between the twins. Aloof, disoriented and still mourning, wraithlike Maureen attuned to the ethereal realm, is inevitably caught between this world and the spiritual, always looking for portals and a sign that would prove her brother right, however, in vain. Unexpectedly, as the days pass by swiftly and the random apparitions become more frequent, Maureen will start to receive strange text messages from an unknown sender who seems to know a lot about her, but in the end, if there is still no sign of the beloved Lewis, is there any point in waiting….

=== ScreenShots (Most See Before Downloading) ===

Personal Shopper (2016) Movie Preview

=== Download Links ===

480p [488MB]

Direct-[Drive-link] G-Drive [No-Login]

720p [1.01GB]

Direct-[Drive-link] G-Drive [No-Login]

1080p [2.35GB]

Direct-[Drive-link] G-Drive [No-Login]

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