✔ Download Lorry Chapter-1 (2024) full movie in HD quality with original audio. Available in 480p, 720p, and 1080p in MKV format, this Action / Crime / Thriller based south indian movie comes with Telugu original audio.

=== Movie/Series Info ===

Genres:Action / Crime / Thriller
Original Language:Telugu
Resolution:480p, 720p, 1080p
Runtime:183 min
Release Date:02 Aug 2024 (India)

Movie Synopsis/Plot:

A valuable item load of lorry has to be delivered to mumbai. Hero Harshavardan a street rowdy had been to prison. lost his father at child hood and leading his family doing street fights and released working as mechanic.Pratap a named villain wanted to become chief minister doing illigal mining and atrocities . Pratap approach hero for lorry delivery, wheather hero delivered , where is his father, what is there in lorry , did hero succeed in his love life , why all indian states villains behind lorry , did hero succed against all villan groups , what is the rivelry between hero father and prathap, weather pratp plans worked out how the climax ended , and what is the lead for lorry chapter-2…

=== ScreenShots (Most See Before Downloading) ===

Lorry : Chapter 1 (2024) Movie Preview
Lorry : Chapter 1 (2024) Movie Preview 2
Lorry : Chapter 1 (2024) Movie Preview 3
Lorry : Chapter 1 (2024) Movie Preview 4
Lorry : Chapter 1 (2024) Movie Preview 5

=== Download Links ===

Lorry : Chapter 1 (2024) [Hindi ORG. + Tamil + Telugu + Kannada] 480p [850MB]

Direct-[Drive-link] G-Drive [No-Login]

Lorry : Chapter 1 (2024) [Hindi ORG. + Tamil + Telugu + Kannada] 720p [2GB]

Direct-[Drive-link] G-Drive [No-Login]

Lorry : Chapter 1 (2024) [Hindi ORG. + Tamil + Telugu + Kannada] 1080p [3.2GB]

Direct-[Drive-link] G-Drive [No-Login]