βœ” Download Binny and Family (2024) full movie in HD quality with original audio. Available in 480p, 720p, and 1080p in MKV format, this Drama based Bollywood movie comes with English / Hindi original audio along with subtitles.

=== Movie/Series Info ===

Original Language:English / Hindi
Resolution:480p, 720p, 1080p
Runtime:140 min
Release Date:27 Sep 2024 (India)

Movie Synopsis/Plot:

A coming of age story of two generations. A conflicted, punk and rebellious teenage girl Binny living in London, and her small-town conservative grandfather from a small town in Bihar are as different as chalk and cheese. A dramatic incident in their lives connects them together. Can they become friends and make a difference to each other’s lives? BINNY and Family, an emotional roller coaster and a coming of age drama of two generations, explores that.

=== ScreenShots (Most See Before Downloading) ===

Snapshot 1
Snapshot 2
Snapshot 3
Snapshot 4

=== Download Links ===

480p HDRip x264 AVC [418MB]

⚑️ HubCloud βœ… FilePress πŸ”— GDToT

720p HDRip x264 AVC [983MB]

⚑️ HubCloud βœ… FilePress πŸ”— GDToT

1080p HDRip 10bit x265 HEVC [2.3GB]

⚑️ HubCloud βœ… FilePress πŸ”— GDToT